To lose weight by 5 kg in a week without feeling hungry and at the same time improve the condition of the skin and hair, the buckwheat diet for weight loss promises. How true are these promises, what is the essence, features, pros and cons of the buckwheat diet, who can follow it and who cannot? Let's find out.

Under the name "buckwheat diet" several different options are hidden, from the strictest, which allows you to eat only steamed buckwheat without salt, to quite comfortable ones, which include, in addition to cereals, other products.
Diet Varieties
The main requirement of the buckwheat diet for weight loss is that at least two meals a day must contain buckwheat porridge. At the same time, buckwheat is not boiled, but steamed overnight, pouring boiling water over the washed product in a ratio of 2 parts of water to 1 part of cereal. Usually 1 full glass of dry buckwheat is enough for one day.
In the evening, put the washed buckwheat in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and wrap it with something warm. Salt is not necessary. In the morning you will have the main course of the buckwheat diet ready. Depending on your goals, the duration of the diet can be different. It is usually designed for 3, 7 or 14 days, but you can choose any duration. You should not just sit on buckwheat for more than two weeks, as there is a high risk that this valuable product will disgust you for life.

To lose weight faster, do not neglect physical activity while observing dietary restrictions. The more calories you spend, the more effective the buckwheat diet will be. Of course, you shouldn't go too far and, while dieting, engage in high-intensity interval training or heavy strength training. It is better to give preference to brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling.
Also, do not forget to drink 1. 5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day, consuming it 20-30 minutes before meals. When losing weight, dinner should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
three day option
In order for a three-day buckwheat diet to give a noticeable result, it must be strict. Its rules are:
- You can eat unsalted steamed buckwheat (no butter, sugar, ketchup, etc. ) in any quantity. To improve the taste, it is allowed to use some natural spices (without salt or flavoring).
- Apart from this porridge, you can't eat anything else.
- Before each meal (half an hour) you need to drink a glass of water.
- Those who cannot imagine their life without caffeine can drink tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
If you follow a strict buckwheat mono-diet for weight loss, designed for 3 days, you can lose up to 2-3 kg of excess weight. At the same time, most of the discarded mass will be water, which will leave the tissues due to lack of salt intake.

weekly option
A week-long buckwheat diet is less severe than a three-day diet, otherwise it would be difficult to bear. Yes, and the lack of other substances necessary for the body during that period will be more noticeable. Therefore, weekly weight loss with buckwheat, in addition to this cereal, includes other products. Buckwheat diet for 7 days is usually carried out according to the following rules:
- Steamed porridge can be eaten in any quantity without oil, ketchup, etc. , can be lightly salted before eating.
- In addition to porridge, you can drink no more than 2 glasses of kefir with 0-1% fat per day. It can be mixed with the main course or drunk on its own.
- You can add to the menu 200-300 g of low-calorie non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, sweet peppers, zucchini, cabbage, onions, tomatoes) raw or stewed without oil.
- It is allowed to eat 2 medium apples without sugar per day.
- Drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals is essential, you can also drink tea, coffee without sugar and milk.
A weekly buckwheat diet allows you to lose 4-5 kg, but only with high physical activity. Your required daily minimum should be 10, 000 steps at a fast pace.
2 week option
Buckwheat weight loss lasting 14 days is the closest to the rules of proper nutrition. And while this diet lacks variety, it's hard to call it a monodiet. The buckwheat porridge diet, designed for two weeks, allows the use of the following products:
- Steamed buckwheat porridge, which can be eaten in unlimited quantities at least twice a day without oil or sauces.
- Low-fat kefir (0-1% fat content) - up to 0. 5 liters per day.
- Up to 300 g of low-calorie raw or stewed vegetables, which can be flavored with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
- At one of the meals you can eat a boiled egg, a piece of baked or boiled lean meat (fish) the size of a palm (without fingers).
- All dishes should be salted to a minimum, you can use natural spices, lemon juice.
- 2-3 sweet and sour apples.
- Also remember to drink water half an hour before meals. Tea, coffee should be drunk without sugar.
With such a diet, only fast carbohydrates and fats are limited, and complex carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins and fiber are supplied in sufficient quantities, so that the two-week buckwheat diet is well tolerated. If you lead an active lifestyle, you can lose 10 kg in 14 days.
go off diet
Weight loss on a buckwheat diet is fairly stable, but only if it goes right. Gradually, in small portions, introduce foods into the diet, the use of which does not contradict the principles of proper nutrition. If the exit from the buckwheat diet is done correctly, then during its time you can lose a few more kilograms of excess weight.
After losing weight on a buckwheat diet, you should not go back to eating high-calorie foods that have low nutritional value. It is advisable to permanently exclude from your menu:
- confectionery;
- baking;
- sausages;
- roast;
- smoked;
- bad fats;
- foods that contain chemical additives and a lot of salt.
Remember that with each diet you not only lose fat, but also muscle tissue. If you are not engaged in bodybuilding, when you return to your previous weight, fat stores are replenished, but muscle mass losses are not restored. As a result, with each new cycle of weight loss-gain, the percentage of body fat increases.
Pros and cons of the buckwheat diet
Compared to other monodietas, the buckwheat diet to lose weight has important advantages, which are due to the remarkable qualities of this cereal. Its advantages:
- Buckwheat porridge contains a lot of vegetable protein, so it is satisfying. Since the buckwheat diet for weight loss does not limit the amount of porridge eaten, you pass with little or no hunger and are easily tolerated.
- The lack of a feeling of hunger contributes to the fact that the stress hormone cortisol is not produced, which slows down metabolism, and weight loss occurs at a rapid rate.
- Buckwheat has the richest vitamin and mineral composition among all cereals. Its use has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, immunity, blood composition, the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
But the buckwheat diet also has disadvantages:
- Like any monodiet, it is not capable of providing the body with all the necessary substances. This disadvantage is more pronounced in a strict diet option, in which only buckwheat is allowed.
- Eating almost a buckwheat porridge, you can get bored and become disgusting for life. As a result, you can lose this useful and inexpensive product in your diet.
- Useful only organic buckwheat, grown and stored without the use of chemicals. The grains sold in supermarkets are usually produced in China, there are great doubts about their ecological purity.
Unfortunately, with the constant use of a large amount of the same product, the harmful chemical compounds it contains can quickly accumulate in the body without having time to be excreted. As a result, its levels can exceed permissible safety limits and negatively affect health. Therefore, in the age of agricultural chemistry, a monotonous diet is very risky. This applies to all mono-diets, including buckwheat.
The following categories of people are not recommended to follow a buckwheat diet:
- those with diabetes, as this can drastically change blood sugar levels;
- have a depressive disorder, tk. monotonous food and lack of sweets can aggravate depression;
- have problems with the kidneys, since a large amount of protein, including vegetable, is harmful to them;
- pregnant and breastfeeding, tk. under these conditions, it is impossible to limit the diet neither in calories nor in composition;
- after abdominal surgeries;
- who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, for whom such "experiments" with health are too dangerous;
- those with gastrointestinal diseases, as they need special dietary nutrition.
It should be noted that following strict diets is not the best way to lose weight. It is much more effective in gaining harmony and health than temporary dietary restrictions, but the transition to constant adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
The buckwheat diet for weight loss is very effective and well tolerated. However, resorting to diets from time to time to reduce increasing weight is not worth it. Only by finally turning to proper nutrition and making friends with sports, you can radically solve the problem of excess weight.